Program ad
Program ad
We request that program ads are submitted by
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Ad sizes and prices
Full page: $120 (5"W x 8"H)
Half page: $60 (5"W x 3.75"H)
Quarter page: $30 (5"W x 1.75"H)
Ad specifications
All ads should be made to exact size or to scale. No bleeds.
Photos or images must be 150 dpi minimum. Web graphics (e.g., 72 dpi) are not acceptable for print.
Back cover and inside front and inside back cover ads may be full-color. All other ads are black ink only.
A PDF file is the preferred format for submission.
Contact us at if you have questions about camera-ready art.
Orders for ads should include
The advertiser's name
The name of a contact for the advertiser
The advertiser's address, phone number, e-mail address, and/or fax number
The seller/rower's name and phone number